City of Great Bend/Commission on Aging Contact Details County: Barton Address: 2005 Kansas Ave., Great Bend, KS 67530 Website: Public Transportation | Great Bend Phone: 620-792-3906 Fax: 620-792-6831 Service HoursWeekdays: M - FWeekends: N/AAdditional Hours: N/A Service ProfileClientele:ElderlyDisabledDescription of System:3 bus and a mini-van general public Transportation within the City Limits for Great BendTrips Made:MedicalPersonal BusinessEducationRecreationalShoppingEmploymentNutrition SiteService Area:City limits of Great BendFares: $1.50 one way or $3.00 round trip and $1.00 extra stop VehiclesTotal Vehicles: 4 Total Lift Vehicles: 4 Communications on board: Yes Organization CharacteristicsOrganization Type:Local Government (City or County)Service Type:Demand ResponseFundingFunding:Section 5311, CapitalSection 5311, Operating