Local Field Liaison
Kansas LTAP has a Local Field Liaison Program to provide on-site technical assistance and training to local governments in roadway safety.
Our Local Field Liaisons work with county and city public works agencies in Kansas on issues such as:
- Practical road safety assessments
- Identifying low cost safety improvements
- Providing guidance in applying for funding for safety improvements
- Assistance in the implementation of local road safety plans
- Assistance with operational issues
- Assistance with questions that may arise with department leadership turnover
For more information about ways our Local Field Liaison Program can help you, please contact:
Nelda Buckley
Local Field Liaison
The Roundabout
The Roundabout is a Kansas LTAP webinar series that focuses on hot topics of the industry and promotes discussion for best practices, shared experiences and innovation. Join us at 11 a.m. on the second Friday of every other month. Use the links to the right to register for the upcoming webinar or to view previously recorded webinars.
The next Roundabout webinar will take place on February 14!
The topic for the February session of The Roundabout will be Workforce Development. Every agency is somewhere in the workforce development process – from recruiting to training to retaining. Come join the conversation to share ideas for finding more workers, training them, improving poor performance, and maybe most importantly - keeping good workers. The next Roundabout webinar will be February 14 at 11:00.