COF Training Services, Inc. Contact Details County: Coffey, Franklin, Osage Address: 1516 N Davis Ave, Ottawa, KS 66067 Website: COF Training Services Phone: 785-550-6380 Fax: 785-242-2118 Service HoursWeekdays: 7 am to 10 pmWeekends: 7 am to 10 pm Service ProfileClientele:DisabledDescription of System:Fixed and flexible transportation for Intellectually and/or developmentally Disabled adultsTrips Made:MedicalPersonal BusinessEducationRecreationalShoppingEmploymentService Area:Coffey, Osage, and Franklin countiesFares: Rates: $100 per month VehiclesTotal Vehicles: 53 Total Lift Vehicles: 6 Communications on board: Yes Organization CharacteristicsOrganization Type:Non-Profit CorporationService Type:Demand ResponseDeviated Fixed RouteFixed RouteFundingFunding:Section 5311, CapitalSection 5311, Operating