Topeka LULAC Senior Center Contact Details County: Shawnee Address: 1502 NE Seward Ave., Topeka, KS 66616 Website: Topeka LULAC Senior Center Phone: 785-234-5809 Fax: 785-233-1828 Service HoursWeekdays: Monday-Friday 8-4pm Service ProfileClientele:ElderlyTrips Made:MedicalEducationRecreationalShoppingNutrition SiteService Area:Topeka Metro Area: East to Croco, West to Urish, South to 45th, North to 46thFares: Donation basis only VehiclesTotal Vehicles: 2 Total Lift Vehicles: 2 Communications on board: Yes Organization CharacteristicsOrganization Type:Non-Profit CorporationService Type:Demand ResponseFixed RouteFundingFunding:Section 5310, Capital