Coffey County Transportation

Coffey County Transportation

Contact Details

County: Coffey

Address: 520 Cross St., Burlington, KS 66839


Service Profile

General Public
Description of System:

As a general public transportation provider, our service is available to all residents of Coffey County and to surrounding county residents, as available on a first come, first serve basis.

Trips Made:
Personal Business
Service Area:

Within a 150-mile radius of Burlington, KS., including Kansas, Missouri, and Oklahoma.


Total Vehicles: 8
Total Lift Vehicles: 8
Communications on board: Yes

Organization Characteristics

Organization Type:
Non-Profit Corporation
Service Type:
Demand Response


Section 5311, Capital
Section 5311, Operating


Set Fare

The following fare schedule will begin September 1, 2022. Be advised bus drivers will not issue change. Exact fare will be needed. Cash and checks are accepted. Passengers may not board the bus without paying the fare.

In Burlington---------------------------------------------------------$ 4.00 Per Trip**

In County-------------------------------------------------------------$ 8.00 Per Trip**

Out of County within 20 miles-----------------------------------$10.00 round trip*

(Yates Center/Hartford)

Out of County 20-29 miles---------------------------------------$12.00 round trip*


Out of County 30-39 miles---------------------------------------$14.00 round trip*

(Garnett/Welda/Osage City)

Out of County 40-49 miles---------------------------------------$18.00 round trip*


Out of County 50-69 miles---------------------------------------$24.00 round trip*


Out of County 70-85 miles---------------------------------------$30.00 round trip*

(Lawrence/Fort Scott/Olathe/Lenexa)

Out of County 86-90 miles---------------------------------------$40.00 round trip*

(El Dorado/Overland Park/Leawood)

Out of County 91-110 miles-------------------------------------$50.00 round trip*

(Shawnee Mission/Westwood/Kansas City, KS/Pittsburg)

Out of County 111-140 miles------------------------------------$70.00 round trip*

(MCI/KCI Airport/Wichita)


A reduced fare may be available to Senior Citizens (60 and older), children 8 to 18 years old, persons with disabilities, and low income individuals and families. The reduced fare will be half the cost of the regular fare. Children under 8 years old ride free with an adult. One personal care attendant may ride without charge. Additional personal care attendants will pay the reduced fare price. Reduced fares must be requested and approved through the transportation office or the full regular fare will be assessed.

*Round trip is based off the vehicle. If the vehicle leaves the county, travels to the destination then returns to the county, it is considered a round trip. Example: A ride to the airport is a round trip then the ride home from the airport is a second round trip. The transportation vehicle has to make two trips to the airport, therefore two round trip fares will be assessed.

** Local Trip is defined as “Origin to Destination(s) and return to origin or pre-planned destination on the same day.”