Sponsors & Exhibitors
Sponsor & Exhibitor Information
- Full Page Ad in Program
- Option to Include a Promotional Item in Welcome Packet
- Sponsor a Reception or Lunch
- Registration for Two Staff Members
- Included Exhibit Table (Exhibit space includes one table and two chairs. Organizations are encouraged to bring their own company table cloths. If you need a table cloth or access to power, please reach out to Megan Hazelwood at mhazelwood@ku.edu. Tables assigned in advance by conference staff. Additional table information forthcoming.)
*Please contact Megan Hazelwood at mhazelwood@ku.edu to coordinate your program ad and promotional item.
- Half Page Ad in Program
- Option to Include a Promotional Item in Welcome Packet
- Co-Sponsor a Breakfast
- Registration for Two Staff Members
- Included Exhibit Table (Exhibit space includes one table and two chairs. Organizations are encouraged to bring their own company table cloths. If you need a table cloth or access to power, please reach out to Megan Hazelwood at mhazelwood@ku.edu. Tables assigned in advance by conference staff. Additional table information forthcoming.)
*Please contact Megan Hazelwood at mhazelwood@ku.edu to coordinate your program ad and promotional item.
- Business Card Size Ad in Program
- Option to Include a Promotional Item in Welcome Packet
- Co-Sponsor Refreshments
- Registration for Two Staff Members
- Included Exhibit Table (Exhibit space includes one table and two chairs. Organizations are encouraged to bring their own company table cloths. If you need a table cloth or access to power, please reach out to Megan Hazelwood at mhazelwood@ku.edu. Tables assigned in advance by conference staff. Additional table information forthcoming.)
*Please contact Megan Hazelwood at mhazelwood@ku.edu to coordinate your program ad and promotional item.
- Business Card Size Ad in Program
- Option to Include a Promotional Item in Welcome Packet
- Registration for One Staff Member
- Included Exhibit Table (Exhibit space includes one table and two chairs. Organizations are encouraged to bring their own company table cloths. If you need a table cloth or access to power, please reach out to Megan Hazelwood at mhazelwood@ku.edu. Tables assigned in advance by conference staff. Additional table information forthcoming.)
Logo & Ad Specifications
Review Ad Specifications HERE
- Logos must be either Vector Art or High-Resolution (300 dpi or greater)
Acceptable File Formats for Logos:
- Vector Formats: Encapsulated PostScript [EPS], PostScript [PS], or Adobe Illustrator [AI]
- High Resolution Formats: Image MUST be AT LEAST 5in x 5in AND 300 dpi
- Portable Network Graphics [PNG]
- Joint Photographic Expert Group [JPEG]
Logo Visibility and Use:
- Website: Logo will be featured on the partner/exhibitor webpage of the summit website.
- Conference Program: Logo will be featured in digital and printed programs.
- Marketing: Logo will be featured on marketing emails and social media for the promotion of the summit.
- Other: Logo may be used on a partner reel during presentations, summit posters, and directional signage.
- Gold Partners: Logo will be featured on the giveaway product respective to the selected partnership.